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Tuesday 6 December 2011

Power of Youngistaan !!

Okay! This is my first venture into this unexplored avenue of blogging. I know I a bit nervous. Hope it turns out to be a good one. After all,isn't life about venturing out of your comfort zones? Okay,with least regards to the results let me set out on my journey.
Youngistaan - a very fantabulous name coined by a soft drinks major - Pepsi, essentially referring to youth.Youth's influence has grown in all fields by leaps and bounds. Companies seem to be formulating a separate strategy to click with the youth.They seem to be loosening their purse strings to no extent just to create a fondness for their brand among the future citizens.Young minds, as subtle and as innocent they can be seem to have a plethora of confusions. Various brands cash in on this confusion and create a niche for their product.

Done with the commerce facet of Youngistaan,lets move on to the more relevant aspect of youth - Power! Youngistaan or plain youth, if well channelised, can go on to have extreme power. Power in all aspects to be precise. Willpower, Power to throw around their weight, Power to do anything they wish to. However,Power if ill-used to can turn out to be a deterrent for someone's rise. On the other hand,as per a certain breed of youth, Power if under-used can create problems in the future. Another more fascinating side of youth is the Power To Dream. Young people always have an optimistic side to them, albeit in different proportions. Dreams are the stuff that defines true youth. Dreams to rise to dizzying heights in life, Dreams to get to a goal in life and working hard to achieve that goal, Dreams to do something different and take the path less travelled. Craziness is what fascinates me the most about young people. There is no particular definition or a degree to be a certified crazy person. For some, craziness is about leaving the exam hall in say X amount on time to win a challenge and for some maybe craziness is well defined as scooping out of your haven to meet someone.

However,in this youth - crazy nation seniors and perhaps, the more experienced, are at a loss as per me. There has been a considerable amount as to whether young blood is better over experience. Age has caught up with greatest of our cricketers. Worldwide, companies are focusing on hiring the services of budding talents. They seem to give a damn about respectable but well past their prime Seniors. Add to this, global recession and you get the perfect recipe of how to land yourself in full-on trouble.

Maybe we, as young blood, can bring about miniscule changes the society's mindset and tradition. But the least we can do is at least build a better place to live in.

Don't really know what is the solution to this problem but not everything in life has a solution eh?

Well,on this note,I would like to end my FIRST blog. Until then, Adios Amigos!!